Rhonda... now there's a beacon of sanity in an otherwise insane household. She's smart, kind, wise in ways most toons never even think of, and... oh yeah, did I mention beautiful? All that, and more. Why she chose to work in a real-estate office is something I'll never understand... but hey, don't talk to me about suitable living quarters!
1960: Rhonda Rat is born, and promptly left on the doorstep of a very famous toon. (Can't say who, but I suspect this is where she picked up her tooniness from.)
1975: While trying out modelling jobs, Rhonda meets and falls in love with Denys, an Australian kangaroo rat then working as a freelance photographer.
1976: After a whirlwind courtship and marraige, Rhonda gives birth to Rhubella. Except for bit parts in films like "The Secret of NIMH," Rhonda doesn't find success in show biz... or any other line of work, for that matter. Meanwhile, Denys gets a job as a photojournalist for The Acme Gazette.
1988: On a whim, Rhonda decides to try her hand at real estate. Much to her own amazement, she's good at it.
1990: Shortly before giving birth to their second daughter, Roberta, Rhonda learns that Denys, while covering a story on the illegal manufacture of dip (a combination of ink and paint remover that's fatal to toons) in Acme Acres, falls into a vat of the stuff and dies. Rhonda is devastated, but carries on. The trust fund set up by The Gazette soon ensures that the family will be well provided for into the next century. At this point, this is where Rhonda makes one of her few colossal blunders, enrolling Rhubella in Perfecto Prep without doing a serious background check first. It is during her first day at Perfecto that Ruby meets Roderick Rat.
1991: Deciding that a life of leisure is not for her, Rhonda decides to re-enter the real estate business, even though she doesn't have to. She soon earns enough in commissions to buy a split-level house in the suburbs, next to Daffy and Daphne Duck, and takes up roses as a hobby.
1995: Much to her surprise, Ruby announces her intent to skip her senior year at Perfecto. (It isn't until next year Rhonda learns why.) Ruby agrees, with some reluctance, to stay at home and help care for her sister Roberta.
1996: More surprises: Ruby decides to take her senior year at Acme Loo. Rhonda installs a swimming pool, and briefly takes in a boarder, Ruby's alternate tooniverse double Rebecca, whom she almost adopts (but the discovery that Rebecca's own family is still alive quashes that). She also makes her final real estate sales, to Lillian and Rupert Carrotte (the house next door to hers, and the downtown location for what soon becomes the U.S. version of "Carrotte's"), after which, she is unexpectedly fired. Devastated again, she finds solace in baking, which lands her a job at Carrotte's as head chef, where she remains to this day, loving every minute of it.
2000: A really big surprise: Denys (who, as it turns out, didn't fall in the vat of dip after all!) returns after ten years, and promptly gets whacked on the noggin by Rhonda and a cast iron skillet. Some reunion!

Oh well, back to the drawing board...